Ripple Labs, which manages the XRP token, has won a small victory in its protracted case with the SEC, having received key documents that can help in the fight against the regulator. After 18 months and six court rulings, Ripple got its hands on Hinman's documents, namely internal drafts and SEC emails relating to the former director's four-year-old speech. The speech by William Hinman, who at the time was director of Corporate Finance at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, was notable in that it seemed to say that ETH was not considered by the agency as a security. Ripple's defense is based on the argument that if ether was not considered a security then, why should XRP - which is perhaps more like a currency - be subject to the US Securities Act? Ripple has repeatedly sought documents as part of the investigation, while the SEC has tried to withhold them at least three times. The price of XRP jumped more than 9% on this news. ABOUT US PRIVATE SIGNALS CRYPTO SCHOO...
Cryptocurrency Phenomenon | In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, there's a term that frequently surfaces in trading circles – "crypto pump." What exactly is a crypto pump, and why does it capture the attention of traders and investors alike? In this comprehensive guide, we will dive deep into the world of crypto pumps, shedding light on what they are, how they work, and what you need to know to navigate this intriguing aspect of the cryptocurrency market. Cryptocurrency Phenomenon | Understanding Crypto Pumps: Cryptocurrency Phenomenon | A crypto pump is a coordinated and often frenzied effort by a group of traders and investors to inflate the price of a specific cryptocurrency rapidly. The goal is to induce a surge in the price of the chosen digital asset, creating a sense of urgency and excitement among potential buyers. These orchestrated price spikes are typically short-lived and are followed by sharp declines. The Mechanics of Crypto Pumps: Crypto pumps are ...
Banks around the world own crypto assets worth 9.4 billion euros ($ 9.8 billion), according to a study by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, which was reviewed by the Cointelegraph portal. During the survey, 19 out of 182 banks surveyed gave an affirmative answer about the availability of digital assets. The latter account for 0.14% of the total risk-weighted asset structure (also called RWA) of these 19 crypto-owning banks. And in terms of all 182 banks participating in the study, this figure is only 0.01%. As for the geography of the 19 banks that own cryptocurrency, 10 of them are located in America, 7 in Europe, 2 in other parts of the world. Experts of the international organization in the city of Basel (Switzerland) also came to the conclusion that banks mainly deal with volatile cryptocurrencies and quite a bit with stab coins. Banks mostly own bitcoins (31%), ether (22%) and bitcoin-related derivatives (35%). Also mentioned in the study are DOT from Polkadot (2%), XRP ...
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